Thursday, June 28th, 2018
I have recently become aware of a fraudulent investment scam which falsely states that I have launched new software known as a QProfit System promoted by Jerry Douglas. I’ve seen some phishing sites like http://www.bbc-tech.news and http://pipeline-stats.club, and pop up ads on Facebook like this one:
I can’t comment on whether or not Jerry Douglas promotes a QProfit system and whether or not it’s fraud. But I can tell you categorically that there are many scams like this, and that this investment has absolutely nothing to do with me. I haven’t developed this software and I have no desire to defraud the South African government or anyone else. I’m doing what I can to get the fraudulent sites taken down. But please take heed and don’t fall for these scams.
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Tuesday, May 8th, 2018
With our castor Castor now out for all to enjoy, and the Twitterverse delighted with the new minimal desktop and smooth snap integration, it’s time to turn our attention to the road ahead to 20.04 LTS, and I’m delighted to say that we’ll kick off that journey with the Cosmic Cuttlefish, soon to be known as Ubuntu 18.10.
Each of us has our own ideas of how the free stack will evolve in the next two years. And the great thing about Ubuntu is that it doesn’t reflect just one set of priorities, it’s an aggregation of all the things our community cares about. Nevertheless I thought I’d take the opportunity early in this LTS cycle to talk a little about the thing I’m starting to care more about than any one feature, and that’s security.
If I had one big thing that I could feel great about doing, systematically, for everyone who uses Ubuntu, it would be improving their confidence in the security of their systems and their data. It’s one of the very few truly unifying themes that crosses every use case.
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But security is the one thing that every community wants – and it’s something that, on reflection, we can raise the bar even higher on.
So without further ado: thank you to everyone who helped bring about Bionic, and may you all enjoy working towards your own goals both in and out of Ubuntu in the next two years.
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Am writing briefly to say that I believe a scam or pyramid scheme is currently using my name fraudulently in South Africa. I am not going to link to the websites in question here, but if you are being pitched a make-money-fast story that refers to me and crypto-currency, you are most likely being targeted by fraudsters.
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Tuesday, October 24th, 2017
Congratulations to Team *Buntu on the release of our Artful Aardvark 17.10, featuring all your favourite desktop environments, kubernetes 1.8, the latest OpenStack, and security updates for 9 months, which takes us all the way to our next enterprise release, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
A brumous development cycle always makes for cool-headed work and brisk progress on the back of breem debate.
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For those of you with bimodal inclinations, there’s the official upstream Kubernetes-on-Ubuntu spell for ‘conjure-up kubernetes’ with bijou multi-cloud goodness. We also have spells for OpenStack on Ubuntu and Hadoop on Ubuntu, so conjure-up is your one-stop magic shop for at-scale boffo big data, cloud and containers. Working with upstreams to enable fast deployment and operations of their stuff on all the clouds is a beamish way to spend the day.
If your thing is bling, pick a desktop! We’ve defaulted to GNOME, but we’re the space where KDE and GNOME and MATE and many others come together to give users real and easy choice of desktops. And if you’re feeling boned by the lack of Unity in open source, you might want to hop onto the channel and join those who are updating Unity7 for the newest X and kernel graphics in 18.04.
And of course, if your thing is actually a thing with internet smarts, then it’s Ubuntu Core that will get you flying (or driving or gatewaying or routing or, well, anything your thing desires) in a snap.
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It’s builders that we celebrate – the people that build our upstream applications and packages, the people who build Ubuntu, and the people who build on Ubuntu. In honour of that tireless toil, our mascot this cycle is a mammal known for it’s energetic attitude, industrious nature and engineering prowess. We give it a neatly nerdy 21st century twist in honour of the relentless robots running Ubuntu Core. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you 18.04 LTS, the Bionic Beaver.
Posted in free software, ubuntu | 2 Comments »
Monday, October 17th, 2016
The naming of Ubuntu releases is, of course, purely metaphorical. We are a diverse community of communities – we are an assembly of people interested in widely different things (desktops, devices, clouds and servers) from widely different backgrounds (hello, world) and with widely different skills (from docs to design to development, and those are just the d’s).
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Right now, Ubuntu is moving even faster to the centre of the cloud and edge operations. From AWS to the zaniest new devices, Ubuntu helps people get things done faster, cleaner, and more efficiently, thanks to you. From the launch of our kubernetes charms which make it very easy to operate k8s everywhere, to the fun people seem to be having with snaps at snapcraft.io for shipping bits from cloud to top of rack to distant devices